So who has the biggest, the workers, the bankers, the lawyers or the artists? Everything, everything, everything you need to know about wieners in different professions!
Sales and marketing
In this sector, 3% of men have a penis of less than 8cm, 15% of about 10cm, 36% of 13cm, 31% of 15cm, 12% of 18cm and only 3% of more than 20cm. This means that about 1 in 5 men in this branch, 18% to be precise, have a genital appendage of 10cm or less…
Manual workers
Only 1% have a penis of less than 8cm and the average remains low for those of 10cm, at 4%. They also have the lowest average of 13cm penises with only 16%. On the contrary, they are the most represented among 15cm penises with 59%, the same for 18cm penises with 16%. Finally, 4% of them boast a double decimetre!
Bankers and financiers
Our banker friends are the most represented when it comes to penises under 8cm, with 7% of the panel. 12% have a 10cm tool, 30% have a 13cm tool, and 43% have a 15cm tool. Bankers and financiers are not very big, with 4% and 4% respectively for devices measuring 18 and over 20cm. In short, almost half of the profession, 49%, has a penis of less than 13cm!
Artistic occupations
Artists can boast the largest percentage of huge chucks, with 5% of the panel! And only 1% of the profession has a 10cm penis, the lowest average of the panel for this size. For the rest, those under 8cm are at 2%, 13cm at 28%, 15 at 53% and 18 at 11%.
Medical professions
Only average in this profession. 2% at 8cm, 4 at 10cm, 34% at 13, 48 at 15, 10 at 18 and 2% over 20cm. Nothing too exciting.
They often have big mouths, but does the rest follow? I guess not, with the profession showing the lowest percentage of 20cm penises with a mere 1%, and the second highest score for 10cm penises: 4%. Not much to hide under the lawyer’s robe, apparently…