Testosterona talks about the Instagram for porn

Testosterona – Brazil / June 5, 2014 “While the mainstream internet continues to ban sexually explicit content – Facebook and Instagram are known to be against pornography, Tumblr has been fighting though there is much traffic on the platform and Vine (that is Twitter) banned porn on the net last week – a website comes to […]

Vip Abril asks if you know about Pornostagram

Vip Abril – Brazil / June 5, 2014 “Last week, Rihanna got banned of Instagram for posting photos for Lui magazine. The reason: the pictures in which the singer appeared were showing her nude on the social network. There is today a part of the public bothered by the network constraints, censoring any nudity.” Read […]

Goiasnet talks about the growing porn network

Goiasnet – Brazil / June 3, 2014 “For a long time the internet had easy access to pornography. In recent years, however, with the rise of companies such as Facebook and Twitter, social networks are taking on the role of digital actors, and, depending on their usage policies, nudity has little (or no) space between users.” […]

Noticias says pornographic networks are growing

Noticias – Brazil / June 3, 2014 “For a long time the internet had easy access to pornography. In recent years, however, with the rise of companies such as Facebook and Twitter, social networks are taking on the role of digital actors, and, depending on their usage policies, nudity has little (or no) space between […]

O globo says social porn is growing

O globo – Brazil / June 3, 2014 “RIO – For a long time the internet delivered easy access to pornography. In recent years, however, with the rise of companies such as Facebook and Twitter, social networks are taking on the role of digital actors, and, depending on their usage policies, nudity has little (or no) […]